

I don't think I can fully express how much my heart was touched by the words shared by our two oldest on Thanksgiving. P was the second person to share what he was thankful for and he said, "I am thankful Emmarie is my sister." A few rounds later, C passionately talked about China and how thankful he was for Emmarie and that he can't wait to get her home.

My heart was so glad to hear the genuine concern and care (completely unprompted) for their new sister. They are so excited for her to be home and God definitely used them to lay adoption on our hearts again. C also shared that he wished he could, "Go in the blink of an eye and bring her home." Our boys have been troopers. They have faithfully prayed, dreamed big dreams, and eagerly waited to meet Emmarie. I can't wait to see all four of our kiddos together. Thank you God for showing us your way, growing our hearts, and providing for our family. Blessed.

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